Friday, January 7, 2011

Welcome (me) Back!

Yowsa it's been awhile since I was on here. And while I doubt that anyone actually followed this blog, I've decided to give it a go at reviving it! We'll see how long this lasts ;)

And as such, I'm going to be doing my best to catch-up on all the YouTube videos I've made and edit them into blog form before posting anything new on here. What's the point you ask? Why would people want to read about my randomness when they can just watch it? Simple, if you happen to be surfing this at work, don't you find it much easier to read this text rather than having to slap on a pair of earbuds (to listen to my video of course) and pretend that you're listening to riveting articles about finance, or world news? Bingo, case in point my friends.

It's not that my life is entirely that interesting, but every so often a fun tidbit comes up that I feel like sharing with the world! Also, in case I miss reviewing something in a video I can simply update in my blog instead of re-filming, etc. So purely selfish reasons I must say!

Anyways, on to the good stuff in the coming days, be patient with me!

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